Clothes: (Weather Dependent)
Water shoes (optional)
5 pairs of underwear/socks
4-5 shirts
2-3 pairs of shorts
1-2 pairs of jeans/pants
Warm weather/fuzzy
Bathing suit
girls (one piece) or long shirt to cover two piece
boys trunks
Lawn chair for around the campfire
Sleeping bag
Lifejacket (if attainable)
Beach towel
Bath towel and facecloth
Toiletries - toothbrush/paste, soap, shampoo/conditioner, deodorant, brush/comb, etc.
Water bottle
Bug repellent/ bug shirt
Medications will be administered by the camp nurse/designate in accordance with labels and parental instruction.
(Please have medications bubble packaged if possible).
Food (snacks) for ALL to enjoy are encouraged, but must remain in the kitchen to avoid rodent problems.
Fresh fruits and vegetables would be greatly appreciated.
Cell phones/electronics are strongly discouraged and will be confiscated until the final camp day if found in a Camper's possession.
Camp Preparation
Prepare your child for camp by involving him/her in the decision.
A sibling or friend also attending camp may help to make the decision easier.
Consider another type of over-night stay prior to camp if the child has not done so before.
Do not set your child up for failure by telling him/her that they can leave camp early if they so choose, as this may give them the option they are seeking by not participating and enjoying the camp experience.
Phone calls (except for emergencies) are discouraged. Help your child understand the policy so they will not be expecting parental contact.
Do not linger on opening day as this may cause the child to feel your anxiety which may add to his/her anxiety.